Midweek at The Compass

Lessons from Daniel: a Biblical Body with Pete Sutton

Compass Online Season 3 Episode 3
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00:00 | 35:48

Have you ever wondered what the bible says about taking care of our bodies? In our conversation with Pete Sutton this week, we use Daniel chapter 1 as a starting point to break down some misconceptions about how Daniel and his friends ate in Daniel 1 and what we can learn from it. Spoilers: it's not to eat only vegetables and water!

Far from being a conversation solely around caring for our physical bodies, Jake and Pete also dive into how God is the main character of every story, the purpose of Scripture, dependence upon God, how work has changed since the writing of the Bible, unity and diversity, why the Bible doesn't talk much about exercise, how to deal with shame and guilt, and so much more.

Join us for this rich conversation that will give you a new perspective on the relationship between yourself, your body, and your God.

Episode notes:

  • Who is our guest, Pete Sutton?
  • Context of Daniel Chapter 1
  • Origins of the Daniel Diet
  • What can we learn from the Daniel diet?
  • God is the main character of every story
  • Scripture is the revelation of God
  • Are fad diets biblical?
  • How does the Bible describe our bodies?
  • How the Trinity reflects unity & diversity
  • Our appetites allow us to experience the fullness of God
  • How our needs force us to depend upon God
  • Sabbath rest
  • the result of the Fall on parenting
  • How are body and work tied together?
  • How can we care well for our mind & body?
  • Functional joy
  • Dealing with shame and guilt
  • Balancing life & family
  • Struggling with body image? 

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